Current Projects

The Quick and the Dead


The Quick and the Dead is a new Holy Hiatus project exploring birth rites and death rites. These rites of passage affect everyone, and are arguably the most significant experiences we encounter. This project will explore our own birth experiences, the birthing of our children and the broader “birthing” of creative projects/ideas. Equally, our experiences of loss of loved ones, reflections on our own mortality, and experiences of loss in general, such as places we love or passing traditions will be addressed. The Quick and the Dead has received a Research and Development Grant from The Arts Council of Wales. A second phase for 2014-2015 is planned to include artists’ residencies that will engage directly with communities, workshops, film screenings and a publication.

Prosiect newydd Holy Hiatus yw Y Byw a’r Meirw sy’n archwilio defodau geni a defodau marw. Effeithia’r defodau newid byd rhain ar bawb, a gellir dadlau mai dyma’r profiadau mwyaf arwyddocaol a ddaw i’n rhan. Bydd y prosiect hwn yn archwilio’n profiadau geni ein hunain, genedigaethau’n plant a “genedigaethau” ehangach prosiectau/syniadau creadigol. Yn yr un modd, eir i’r afael â’n profiadau o golli anwyliaid, myfyrdodau ar ein marwolaeth ein hunain a phrofiadau o golled yn gyffredinol, megis lleoedd a garwn neu draddodiadau darfodedig.  Mae’r Byw a’r Meirw wedi cael Grant Ymchwil a Datblygu gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. Mae ail gam ar gyfer 2014-2015 wedi’i gynllunio i gynnwys preswylfeydd artistiaid a fydd yn cysylltu’n uniongyrchol gyda chymunedau, gweithdai, dangosiadau ffilm a chyhoeddiad.
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